Backup and Restore Benchmarks for Very Large Database Applications

A benchmark featuring DIGITAL NetWorker Save and Restore, NetWorker® BusinesSuite™ Module for Oracle®, DIGITAL AlphaServers, Oracle Enterprise Backup Utility (EBU), and StorageTek Redwood tape drives.

Table of Contents

  • Executive Overview
  • Introduction
  • Benchmark Results
  • Benchmark Environment
  • Future Direction and Summary
  • Overview of Products Used in Benchmark

    Executive Overview

    This white paper discusses database protection along with results from several Very Large Database (VLDB) benchmarks. These benchmarks were jointly conducted by Digital Equipment Corporation, Legato Systems, Oracle Corporation, and Storage Technology Corporation.

    These benchmarks were performed in order to demonstrate the feasibility of storage management solutions for VLDB applications. This study establishes a range of benchmark results for backup and restore of large Oracle7 installations running on a DIGITAL AlphaServer 8400 system, in conjunction with StorageTek SD-3 Redwood tape subsystem, Oracle's Enterprise Backup Utility and DIGITAL NetWorker Save and Restore. These results were achieved using a new high performance version of NetWorker that is currently under joint development by DIGITAL and Legato.

    Three benchmark scenarios were performed to represent real-life backup and restore situations. These benchmark scenarios consisted of the backup of an Oracle database that was off-line (cold backup), the backup of an Oracle database that was on-line without a transaction load (hot backup), and the restore from backup of an Oracle database.

    The following results were achieved:

    Benchmark installation


    Managing very large database applications

    Over the past 10 years the acceptance of the Oracle relational database management system (RDBMS) as a database platform has been phenomenal. Many new mission critical applications have been developed on Oracle or reengineered from legacy mainframe applications due to its scaleable architecture and performance. In addition, the new generation of servers now available further enhance the viability of open systems for high volume online transaction processing (OLTP) applications that many thought could only be hosted on mainframes.

    While it is now common for RDBMS applications to range from 10 to 100 gigabytes (GB) in size, the last several years have seen the emergence of very large databases, or VLDB for short. The definition of a VLDB is a database ranging from hundreds of gigabytes to terabytes in size. The dramatic decline in the cost of disk storage, coupled with the growing popularity of data warehousing applications has also fueled the amount of RDBMS data that must be managed. According to Gartner Group, the average database will grow 1000% between 1995 and 2000, or an average of 200% per year.

    The impact of all this growth in data being used by RDBMS applications is a growing concern of database administrators (DBA) and IS management as to how this data can be protected in case of application error, operations error, hardware failure or disaster. For example, many installations have service level agreements that require RDBMS applications to be available for the majority of the day or up to 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The loss of even one hour's availability for some applications can cost an organization thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars in lost revenue and productivity. All of this compounds the workload of the DBA who must perform many duties other than backup and restore.

    Solutions for Oracle7 Data Protection

    Oracle is well aware of the issues their customers are facing, which is why they developed Enterprise Backup Utility (EBU). EBU is a functionally rich, high performance interface for backing up Oracle databases. The parallel, database aware architecture of EBU is meant to be used in conjunction with the parallel architecture of advanced storage management products, like NetWorker, in order to offer a complete backup and restore solution for mission critical database applications of any size. The following types of backup are available with EBU:

    Hot backup: A backup performed while the database is online, available for read/write.
    Cold backup: A backup performed while the database is off-line

    Prior to EBU, Oracle7 users relied upon export and import along with physical backup. Export and import has the limitation of not being able to work with the redo logs (a.k.a. transaction logs) while the physical backups do not provide the performance needed to backup and restore large databases. Both suffered from the inability to utilize high speed tape devices and libraries and lack features such as scheduling, monitoring and media management.

    While high speed backup and restore is a critical element, it is not the only dimension of a comprehensive VLDB data protection strategy. Installations looking for a RDBMS backup and restore solution should look for ease of use (scheduling, monitoring, tracking) along with functionality (disaster recovery, database and filesystem data support, media management). Also of importance is heterogeneous support, allowing an organization to standardize on one product that has components that support multiple RDBMSs, operating systems and applications.

    What use are benchmarks?

    Many people have become skeptical of benchmarks published by various hardware and software vendors because they view them as just another means of promotion. Others believe the benchmarks are irrelevant because either the size of the database, or the hardware configuration does not represent their environment.

    While it is true that "power" benchmarks using state of the art hardware and software with databases in the hundreds of gigabytes to terabyte size seem to be more prevalent, they serve a purpose. They demonstrate to installations that currently have or who are considering VLDB applications that viable data protection solutions are available.

    For installations that do not or will not have VLDB applications in the near future, the "power" benchmarks give them the security that a product they invest in today can provide the scalability they may need in the future. Lastly, VLDB benchmarks highlight the fact that the leading RDBMS and storage management vendors are architecting their software to make use of the latest hardware technology.

    Benchmark Results

    The results for all three benchmarks are listed below - cold database backup, hot database backup, and database restore.

    Benchmark 1

    Cold backup - 367 GB/Hour

    This benchmark demonstrated the backup of an Oracle database that was off-line.
    Number of Tapes
    Sustained Transfer Rate GB/Hour
    Average Rate GB/Hour per Tape

    Benchmark 2

    Hot backup without a transaction load - 420 GB/Hour

    This benchmark demonstrated the backup of a Oracle database that was online.
    Number of Tapes
    GB Stored
    Elapsed Time
    Sustained Transfer Rate GB/Hour
    Average Rate GB/Hour per Tape
    Wall Rate GB/Hour


    Benchmark 3

    Restore - 136 GB/Hour

    This benchmark demonstrated the restore of a table in the database.
    Number of Tapes
    GB Restored
    Elapsed Time
    Wall Rate GB/Hour
    213.940:20:52 40.0510
    455.780:24:32 136.3842

    Benchmark Environment

    Explanation of the benchmark process

    Benchmark installation

  • Hardware configuration

    Server System and Configuration DIGITAL Alpha Server 8400 5/300
    8 CPUs (300 MHz)
    8 Gigabyte RAM
    SCSI Controllers 30 Fast/Wide SCSI Controllers
    15 with SD-3 tape drive attached
    13 with 6 disks attached
    2 with 5 disk attached
    SCSI Disks88 rz29 4.3Gigabyte SCSI Disks
    59 reserved for database
    22 reserved for scratch disk
    7 reserved for operating system and application space
    Tape Drives StorageTek Redwood SD-3 Helical
    Cartridge Subsystem
    15 SCSI SD-3 Tape Drives
    15 50 Gigabyte capacity tapes

    Software configuration

    Operating System ReleaseDIGITAL UNIX 4.0A
    Oracle ReleaseOracle
    Database Backup API Oracle Enterprise Backup Utility 2.1
    Backup SoftwareNetWorker Save and Restore for DIGITAL UNIX x4.3
    NetWorker BusinesSuite Module for Oracle 2.0

    Database configuration

    Table Spaces15 tablespaces
    14 comprised of 4 disks
    1 comprised of 3 disks
    Tables59, one per disk, each 3.1 GB in size
    Index59, one per disk, each 0.7 GB in size
    Rows26,000,000 per table; 1.534 billion total
    Total allocated size224.2 GB
    Total used sizeapproximately 172 GB

    Table data structure
    Tables59, one per disk, each 3.1 GB in size
    Index59, one per disk, each 0.7 GB in size
    Rows26,000,000 per table; 1.534 billion total
    Total allocated size224.2 GB
    Total used sizeapproximately 172 GB

    Table data structure
    Field NameData type

    Future Direction and Summary

    The future of Oracle database backup and restore

    NetWorker® BusinesSuite™ Module for Oracle®

    Legato and DIGITAL provide two Oracle data protection solutions that are targeted at customers of various size and Oracle release levels: NetWorker Oracle Database Toolkit and BusinesSuite Module for Oracle. The Oracle Database Toolkit is for installations with smaller databases, generally less than 10 gigabytes, that don't require the parallelism and advanced features of BusinesSuite. This solution greatly simplifies and automates backup and restore management. Legato will continue to enhance this solution to meet the needs of current and prospective customers.

    The BusinesSuite Module for Oracle exploits EBU by integrating the database aware and parallel processing performance into NetWorker's parallel, high speed engine that supports a broad range of high performance tape devices. The BusinesSuite Module also provides administration, scheduling, monitoring and media management. This combination provides the safest, fastest and easiest to use solution available for Oracle data protection.

    Oracle7 and EBU

    While EBU is relatively new, Oracle has an aggressive schedule for adding improvements to the interface. The next planned upgrade is EBU 2.1 which should be available in the first half of 1997. Two key features in 2.1 are the ability to backup and restore a catalog database and the ability to perform recovery automatically - not just restore. Recovery means that not only will the database be restored using the most current or point in time backups, but transactions will be applied from archived redo logs as well. In addition to EBU 2.1, Legato will soon introduce support for Oracle on Microsoft Windows NT.

    Oracle8 Recovery Manager

    The introduction of Oracle8 represents a major leap in the evolution of database backup and recovery. Oracle8 will introduce a new application programming interface (API) called Recovery Manager (RMAN) that is integrated into the Oracle system. Unlike EBU which is shipped and installed separately, RMAN will be installed with the Oracle8 system, thus reducing the complexity and time needed to install an additional component.

    Key features of RMAN include the ability to perform incremental backups, archive log management and a new recovery catalog. The option of performing incremental backups is significant because this gives VLDB users the ability to backup only the data that has been modified. This will result in greater database availability along with reduced resource requirements such as tape and cpu. RMAN will automatically utilize the incremental backups along with full database backups that have been taken during a specific time (e.g. weekly).

    While EBU is not planned to be supported against Oracle8, all existing EBU processes, products and scripts can still be used against Oracle8. Legato will support and exploit both EBU and RMAN in addition to internally developed solutions.


    The importance of these benchmarks are twofold. One, they demonstrate that solutions exist to address the backup and restore of VLDB applications. Two, they highlight the technological leadership each vendor in this white paper have established. Lastly, all four vendors who participated in this benchmark demonstrated their commitment to providing scaleable, high-performance solutions to meet the requirements of the VLDB installation.

    Overview of Products Used in Benchmarks

    Below are brief descriptions of the technology used in the backup demonstration.

    NetWorker® BusinesSuite™

    The NetWorker BusinesSuite product line delivers a comprehensive set of NetWorker options to provide specialized data protection for mission-critical databases and applications. This product line is focused on the needs of database administrators and IT managers that require high-performance, online data protection for databases and other critical applications that must be available to users on a 24-hour, 7-day-a-week basis.

    The combination of BusinesSuite and NetWorker provides a network-wide storage management software solution that delivers a rich set of advanced features to support enterprise applications, such as autochanger support, automated media labeling and tracking, and media cloning for local and off-site storage strategies, as well as support for state-of-the-art high-speed devices and mainframe-class tape silos. NetWorker, in concert with BusinesSuite, is the only comprehensive storage management solution that addresses the need for cross-platform support of enterprise applications running on Microsoft Windows NT and UNIX.

    Digital Equipment Corporation AlphaServer 8400 5/300

    Delivering better-than-mainframe or supercomputer class performance at a small fraction of the price, the AlphaServer 8400 5/300 system can meet the most pressing demands of your enterprise.

    Whatever applications you're currently running on your mainframe, the AlphaServer 8400 system - powered by the breakthrough 64-bit 21164 Alpha chip - can run them faster than anyone. You can equip the AlphaServer 8400 system with up to twelve 440 MHz processors. That gives you a competitive advantage, with the industry's fastest enterprise server performance - running at over 3,000 transactions per second (TPS) with symmetric multiprocessing capabilities. High-speed processing is only part of the story. The AlphaServer 8400 specs show this system to be a veritable client/server juggernaut. Only on a 64-bit system can you put gigabytes of your database in memory, and get a performance increase far beyond the 2 GB limit of any 32-bit system. Internal memory starts at 256 MB and can be expanded to 14 GB as your need for additional and more complex applications increases. Storage capacity tells an even bigger story: it is capable of growing beyond 10 TB.

    Consider the cost-efficient mainframe alternative or super-computer replacement - the AlphaServer 8400 - a system that can fulfill your open client/server needs today and product your investment tomorrow.

    Oracle7 and Oracle® Universal Server®

    Oracle's flagship product, Oracle Universal Server, leverages the world-leading Oracle7 relational database server to create an exciting new generation of extremely powerful information management systems.

    Oracle Universal Server allows you to store, manipulate, retrieve, and share any type of data - including business records, documents, messages, images, audio, and video - in any type of application, such as transaction processing for improving the bottom line, data warehouses for making better decisions, network-centric systems for streamlining the way your business communicates, and electronic commerce for building new markets and automating more processes.

    Oracle Universal Server and Oracle7 allow you to securely and reliably deliver these powerful applications to any number of users, over any type of network, no matter what hardware and software they use.

    Oracle Enterprise Backup Utility (EBU)

    The Enterprise Backup Utility provides an effective mechanism to backup and restore all types of Oracle database files. It works in conjunction with NetWorker Database Module for Oracle. Together, they provide a high-performance, scaleable enterprise-wide data management solution. The combined architecture moves information from the database to tape as shown below.

    STK Redwood™ SD-3 Helical Cartridge Subsystem

    The Redwood's high performance is based on TimberLine's remarkable Totally Parallel 1-by-1 architecture. And that's just the beginning. By combining this revolutionary architecture with an ultra-high capacity storage platform, Redwood SD-3 shatters tape storage tradition by delivering the new standard in tape cartridge subsystem innovation and leadership.

    The Redwood SD-3 revolution is the result of the collaborative efforts of three industry leaders - Storage Technology Corporation, 3M and Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. of Japan. This collaboration has resulted in the development and implementation of a unique storage strategy, one that fulfills all of the immediate and long-term storage capacity requirements of a broad spectrum of industries. Global satellite telemetry data capture, seismic oil exploration, financial institutions, multi-national insurance companies, television broadcasting - these are but a few of the data-intensive, technology hungry industries that will realize immediate benefits from Redwood's capacity and performance.


    Contact the following for information on products discussed in this paper.

    Digital Equipment Corporation
    334 South Street
    Shrewsbury, MA 01545

    Legato Systems, Inc.
    3210 Porter Drive
    Palo Alto, CA 94304

    Oracle Corporation
    500 Oracle Parkway
    Redwood Shores, CA 94065

    2270 South 88th Street
    Louisville, CO 80028

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